Friday Column

Friday Column

Expelling pastoralists from forests that Kill

My column of 12th September 2016 was entitled “Forests that Kill and Destroy: Rural Banditry in Northern Nigeria.” I was reporting on a seminar organi

Ebere Onwudiwe: Good friend, fine scholar

The coming of 2021 has not abated the tragedies of sickness and death associated with 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. For my friend Ebere, the announc

Ungoverned spaces: Why communities must fight back

Nigeria is facing the most serious security challenge in its history. It is facing an even bigger challenge of social disintegration, anomie, signalli

Bishop Matthew Kukah: Can a partisan tell truth to power?

This week, the major controversy in the country has been Bishop Kukah’s Christmas message for 2020, which has divided the country right down the middl

It’s our turn to rule

As everybody knows, it is the turn of the Igbo to rule. No, others will say, the Yoruba have done so much for this regime so that qualifies them to ta